Saturday, 26 September 2009


Chapter 3: Political & Legal System In National Environments
1.       What is country risk?
Exposure to potential loss/adverse effect on the company operations and profitability caused by the development in a country’s political and/or legal environments.

2.       What is intellectual property?
Ideas or works created by people or firms, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights.

3.       What is political system?
A set of formal institutions that constitute a government.

4.       What is legal system?
A system for interpreting and enforcing laws.

5.       What are the types of political system?
I)                    Totalitarianism
-          The state attempts to regulate most aspects of public and private behavior
-          Seek control not only all economic and political matters but attitudes, values and beliefs of its citizenry
-          Either use theocratic (religion-based) or secular (non-religion based)
-          Ex: Cuba, North Korea, Several countries in Africa
(such as Eritrea, Libya, Sudan, Equatorial Guinea, Zimbabwe)

II)                  Socialism
-          Fundamental tenet is that capital and wealth should be vested in the estate and used primarily as a means of production for use rather than a profit
-          It believed that labor paid not represent the full value of their work, gov. should control the basic means of production, distribution, and commercial activity.

III)                Democracy
-          Have two key features
i)                    Private Property Rights
The ability to own property and assets and to increase one’s asset base by accumulating private wealth
ii)                   Limited Government
The gov. performs only essential functions that serve citizens.

6.       What are types of economy in the world nowadays?
i)                    Command economy- estate responsible for all
ii)                   Market economy – economic decision based on ind. & firms
iii)                 Mixed economy – combine state intervention & market mechanism

7.       What is legal system?
It provide a framework of rules & norms of conduct that mandate, limit or permit specified relationships among people and org, and provide punishment for those who violate the rules and norms.

8.       What does it mean by Rule Of Law?
The existence of a legal system where rules are clear, publicly disclosed, fairly enforced, and widely respected by individuals, organization and the government.

9.       What are types of legal systems? (CC SRM)
i)                    Common Law- tradition, past practices & legal precedent set by the nation court
ii)                   Civil Law – based on all inclusive system of laws that have been codified
iii)                 Religious Law –legal system strongly influenced by religious belief such as Quran
iv)                 Socialist Law – Based on civil law, principles of socialist emphasize state of ownership
v)                  Mixed System – variation of two/more legal systems operating together

10.   Who are the actors in political and legal systems? (GR SIC)
I)                    Government
II)                  International Organizations
III)                Regional Economic Blogs
IV)               Special Interest Group
V)                 Competing Firm

11.   What are the types of country risk produced by political system? (GE BWaT)
i)                    Gov takeover of corporate assets – confiscation or expropriation
ii)                   Embargoes and sanctions
iii)                 Boycotts against firm/nations
iv)                 War, insurrection, and revolution
v)                  Terrorism

12.   What are the types of country risk that produced by the legal system?
Host Country (MELFICC)
Home Country (ATATE)
i)     Marketing & distributions laws
ii)    Environmental laws
iii)  Laws regarding income repatriation
iv)  Foreign Investment Laws
v)   Internet  e-commerce regulations
vi)  Controls on operating forms and practices
vii)Contract laws
i)      Anti boycotts regulations
ii)    The Foreign Corrupt Practice (FCPA)
iii)   Accounting and reporting laws
iv)  Transparency in financial reporting
v)    Ethical values & practices 

13.   What are the ways to managing country risk? (PPASS)
i)                    Proactive environment scanning
ii)                   Strict adherence to ethical standards
iii)                 Allying with qualified local partners
iv)                 Protection through legal contracts
v)                  Safeguarding intellectual property rights

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